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Past Events

Let's take a moment and reflect on the  events Students in Mind has done in the past.

Round Table Event 

We had a discussion on what
self-expression and its role in maintaining
mental health and what this looks like. We got the chance to get cozy with tea and timbits while we got personal in a supportive environment. Thank you to everyone who came.

Discussing Books

Hack22 : Toxic Productivity

What if working isn't working?

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Life isn't a fairy tale, thankfully. Don't get me wrong, fairy tales have their purpose: they paint an unambiguous picture of life to show us the desirable values and ethics. Back when villages were merely connected by horses, perhaps the portrayed complexity of fairy tales sufficed. But we live in a society, and for better or worse, a tightly woven society with many intertwines and tangles; a society wherein lies a world of developments and achievements the creators of fairy tales would not have fathomed.

But why "Life isn't a fairy tale, thankfully"? Traffic and Brownian motion: chaos that works. If life were a fairy tale, your story would be the same as my story and the person from two towns over's story. It gets incredibly repetitive repetitive repetitive and horrifically mundane. Uniformity would be inevitable, and your life would be as meaningless as mine.

We have similarities, we have distinctions. We have surprises, we have anticipations. Life is only exciting because of its unpredictability, and society could not have existed otherwise. A fairy-tale-sque life is itself pretty, but its consequences are stenched by its grotesque imprints. Thankfully, life isn't a fairy tale.

So, what's all this about then?

Toxic productivity (0/10 segue): hard working is no longer working hard. We are bombarded with information from news outlets, social medias, friends, influencers, etc., the majority of whom does not realise, or does not care enough to realise, that lives aren't cookie cutter cut. They can preach a set of instructions and neglect the difference in effort needed to follow the guide between, say, a lower- and upper-class person. Also, the faux simplicity of these guides burdens the sanctity of determination with the pollutions of circumstance.


Mistake not, however, we aren't advocateurs of lethargy. We implore your continuation of enthusiasm, of innovation, of perseverance, and of optimism. We just want to bring attention to the discomfort that is our different starting points. Sometimes, on our way towards self-actualisation, we take too long to spectate the others, only to forget who we are, what we are, and how we are.

We each pursue a disparate path that occasionally shares intersections and checkpoints. We want to help you realise each of your journey holds and hides a unique permutation of challenges that should not be solved using sheer brute force productivity or a generic strategy from a source that does not care about your well-being. Ultimately, wear-and-tear happens to us all. Be productive not only as a worker, but also as a life-experiencer. We don't want people to relinquish their joy for life, only to realise what they did when life finally relinquishes them.

Past conference photos

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